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So, you’re time poor. You probably don’t even have the time to read this blog! You might be the kind of person who’s got kids or works long hours and so you just don’t have the time to do any exercises to gain muscles or lose weight.

…don’t worry… I’m going to make this extremely fast.

The good news is that I’ve got some great tips that can help you choose the type of equipment that will help you get to where you need to be and hopefully achieve a healthier state of mind, both in body and in spirit.


Choose the Right Equipment

Almost everybody knows that if you want to burn calories and lose weight, cardio exercises are perfect. This means that you have to find the best exercise equipment to match your needs and one of the biggest equipment pieces out there that’s perfect in relation to cardio is definitely the rowing machine.


Rowing Machine for Cardio

Rowing machines are fantastic for getting a short and sharp workout. This is because you can choose the intensity of how you want to row and how quick you want to get through that workout. This could really be a very beneficial way to get a total body workout. Rowing machines come in all sorts of designs. We actually have an article based on the three types of rowing machines and if you haven’t read it yet, I suggest you give it a look.


Spin Bikes for Fitness

Another awesome piece of fitness equipment you can use is spin bikes. If you are looking for a really short intense workout, then this will give you results. Spinning has been around for a long time and essentially, it is a group of people that are cycling in a dark room on a bunch of spin bikes.

Imagine yourself in a dark room with a video projected course. A spin instructor is motivating you and telling which gears or the level you need to be on that gives for the intensity during the ride. The instructor yells “Go! Push! Push! Push!” and suddenly you are feeling out of breath…you repeat this during the course at different intervals and at different resistances.

This will definitely be able to give you that full body hit in the buttocks, down to the leg region and core. Additionally, from the cardiovascular perspective, it will really open up those lungs and get you fitter.



Barbells and Weights for Strength

This equipment is a “must-have” for any great gym and is fantastic for doing strength exercises. Barbells and Olympic weight plates will give you a really good workout and that would mainly be towards doing power cleans, clean and jerks, and snatches, which are technical lifts.

These methods of training will also give you great aerobic benefits. Apart from that, obviously you’d be building and strengthening bones and muscles through this type of explosive training.

Here, we’re talking about Olympic weight lifting, so if you’re not really into that side of things, you might want to research more on our other blogs.

We like this strength equipment as you get more value and it still allows you to perform basic bench pressing, deadlifts, squats and other compound strength exercises.


Kettlebells for Conditioning

An inexpensive and common piece of exercise equipment is kettlebells, which can be used in an aerobic sense. If you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscles, and improve your endurance, you can’t go wrong with kettlebells. Popular free weights exercises with kettlebells are swings, snatches, and pressing.

As you’ve notice, there’s a bit of a theme here and you can probably see that we’re using these types of equipment in a lot faster way to train rather than slow movements because we’re time poor. I love the HIIT principle though, which stands for High Intensity Interval Training, because you can really get the most out of your time!

So, wherever you are – whether at home with a small space, at work, or even at the gym – you can really get a short, sharp, hard workout with all of these types of equipment.


Vital Things to Remember before Using any Exercise Equipment

  • Focus on your safety, your technique, and make sure that you know how to do all the movements carefully.

  • Get good coaching or spend the time to get technique down pat before you start getting into more intense style training.

I promised you this would be a quick article. I’m sorry it sounds a bit rushed, but right now I’m actually quite time poor while I do this, so hopefully we’ll check you out in the next article!

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